Friday, July 31, 2009

Da Count - My Sister Rocks!

dacountThere couldn't be two people who are more different yet the same. Two peas in a pod and my soulmate throughout time. The first person I call and the person who just gets me.
She has always been my cheerleader even for some of my lamest ideas (And believe me I've had some real hum dingers). Most recently she was been taking my toddler for weekends so that I could write, which is only one of the thousands of reasons I appreciate her. Believe me when I say there are way too many to possibly list them all.

The bottom line is that she has always given me more then she has ever received from me, which humbles this big sis. Therefore she is very overdue for a Da Count nod.

Monday, July 6, 2009

People Watch - Happy Guy

There is a stretch of road where, everyday, I see this runner on my commute home. He's a sixty-ish year old whose skin is shrunk wrapped to his bones and runs with his arms flailing and generally in a Speedo.
I can say one thing for him, he's got dedication (or he's insane, the jury is still out on that) being that he is out running rain or shine. But what gets me the most is the look of sheer agony on his face, which led me to nickname him, "Happy Guy".

Go Happy Guy.
Quirk, Flaw or Imagined Secret: