Friday, July 31, 2009

Da Count - My Sister Rocks!

dacountThere couldn't be two people who are more different yet the same. Two peas in a pod and my soulmate throughout time. The first person I call and the person who just gets me.
She has always been my cheerleader even for some of my lamest ideas (And believe me I've had some real hum dingers). Most recently she was been taking my toddler for weekends so that I could write, which is only one of the thousands of reasons I appreciate her. Believe me when I say there are way too many to possibly list them all.

The bottom line is that she has always given me more then she has ever received from me, which humbles this big sis. Therefore she is very overdue for a Da Count nod.

Monday, July 6, 2009

People Watch - Happy Guy

There is a stretch of road where, everyday, I see this runner on my commute home. He's a sixty-ish year old whose skin is shrunk wrapped to his bones and runs with his arms flailing and generally in a Speedo.
I can say one thing for him, he's got dedication (or he's insane, the jury is still out on that) being that he is out running rain or shine. But what gets me the most is the look of sheer agony on his face, which led me to nickname him, "Happy Guy".

Go Happy Guy.
Quirk, Flaw or Imagined Secret:

Friday, May 1, 2009

Da Count - My 2 Feet


I'm standing on my own two feet (which is a good thing because if I were standing on your feet that might hurt).

I've realized lately that my feet are probably the most unappreciated part of my body. They are down there at the end of my legs. They get me around. They've been shoved in all kinds of shoes, blistered, swollen and gotten cold. So this week I'm putting a shout out for the feet, I want them to feel a little more appreciated.

Not that I won't ever shove them into a pair of back breaking heels again out of vanity, but I'm giving them a little more TLC these days. I'm putting them up more often. Slipping them into sinfully soft slippers whenever I can. Had a pedicure which goes without saying, with summer sandal season coming and all. And I opt to wear my beloved gray laceless Converse sneakers, all the time now. (Which probably are deserving of their own count. I love these shoes.) Ah, comfort.

Hmm.....might start a movement.

Save the piggies

LOL. Enjoy your week and love the feet you're in.

Character Creation on #writechat

#writechat is a forum on Twitter that occurs every Sunday from 3-6pm EST, where writers get together to chat about the processes of writing. A question is posed to start the discussions but the chat can go anywhere.
April 26, 2009 I actually stopped by because I saw that the topic was character creation. My favorite.

WritingSpirit Today's opening question for #writechat comes from @LiberalViewer1: Character creation? How to do it? Techniques, etc?

My top 5 favorite tweets on the topic were:

1. Lgraysewell@WritingSpirit I usually make up backgrounds for people on public transportation then develop into characters #writechat

2. Lgraysewell #writechat. Also make up characters based on contents of a person's grocery cart. Very fun and a good imagination prompt.

3. PennyAsh #writechat Another thing, give your character a flaw. Or two. Perfect people are boring.

4. marynelson1 Character creation starter = what does s/he need/want more than anything? Then how s/he gets it (his/her way). #writechat

5. marynelson1I used the "Snowflake Method" one year during NaNoWriMo. Very helpful. #writechat

If you are on Twitter and want to attend this forum or search past entries, go to and put #writechat in the search box.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Da Count - Money

That’s right today is pay day. Money is good. It means I am still able to pay for the heating when it’s cold, the air conditioning when hot, food, daycare, the mortgage....

Oh screw the bills! Going to go party, it’s my birthday. Whew! Almost had my priorities messed up there.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Da Count - Life's little rituals

dacountWithout any conscious thought, I have set up these little rituals that get me through a day or a week. Like getting through a day to see my favorite show that night.
Today is, as is every Friday, a Starbucks morning, where my family always starts our commute by going through the Starbucks drive thru for our mochas and a hot chocolate for my daughter. It's a treat we start looking forward to on Thursday nights.
Now I'm not one for furnishing ruts or anything. I quite like flying by the seat of my pants, thank-you. But I think having something to look forward to, no matter how small, can help you face an otherwise very deary, business as usual, day. Or at the very least help you drag your butt through it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Da Count - Those little bits of fire

dacountI love those ah ha moments I get, usually right about the time I’ve had it or I’ve lost that lovin’ feeling for my endeavor. This time around my best head clearing or unblocking methods have not been doing the trick.
I kept finding myself crawling into bed usually only a few hours before it would be time to get up and once again get my daughter ready for daycare and head off to work to do it all over again.
The whole time I’m thinking, “Am I insane or just stupid to think that I could do this? I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”
Thank god I don’t listen to myself and just do things anyway.
So struggling with the big picture but not giving up, I took a webinar this week. And bam! Boy do I love second winds.
It is always good to find out that a) I’m putting the right puzzle together and b) to find the missing pieces that will get it finished.
So this week I’m “counting” those epiphanies, those little bits of fire that get it all going again. I’m behind the wheel again just following the road signs and zipping through the traffic.
I also have to say that the people at Writer’s Digest are awesome. Besides being very informative they are also accessible and helpful in answering questions. Writer’s Digest hosted the webinar I took this week of which they have many great ones.

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." -Pablo Picasso

Friday, March 27, 2009

Da Count - Night Owl

dacountI've always been a night owl. My most productive time, when I'm the most alert is during the nocturnal hours. However, life and schedules have made it difficult for me to stay up all night and sleep all day, so that now I only manage to get enough sleep to stave off pyschotic episodes (most of the time).
But the few hours I get between the time my daughter goes to bed and whenever I decide to head off to dreamland, are the sweetest. I'm sure I could use this time to do something constructive (or is that destructive) like doing my chores so I won't have so many to do on the weekend.
But I've been using this time to escape into my own little world and write. I really enjoy spending this time with my characters. I fall in love with them and cry with them, discover and overcome things as they do.
And the thrill of this follows me through the rest of my otherwise "very routine" day.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Da Count - Unsolicited Kisses

dacountFirst thing this morning I stood at the kitchen counter prepping the coffee pot with one eye open. I have no illusions about my morning appearance. I am not a vision of beauty when I first wake up. Before jumping in the shower, my hair is off in every direction, no make up on and the breath of a thousand dragons. Well just look at yourself in the mirror first thing tomorrow morning and you’ll get the picture. (Sorry, I just thought that you shouldn’t have any illusions either).
My three year old daughter, on the other hand, wakes up fresh as a daisy and even though she may only be up a few minutes it’s like she’s been up for hours. The grace of youth I guess.
Well this morning she was up standing next to me on a step stool, which is not unusual as it puts her high enough to investigate everything I’m doing and enables her offer her assistance when she deems necessary.
When she turns to me and says, “Mom.”
“Yes, babe.” I replied but she didn’t answer so I looked down at her.
She then lifted her hands to place them on my cheeks, looked me in the eye and said “You are so bootyful, Mom.” Then she pulled my face down to her to plant a sloppy kiss right on my lips.
Now granted I do have a full booty. But even with all that junk in the trunk and the myriad of other flaws that I lay claim to, how can I not feel loved?
☼Happy Spring☼

Friday, March 13, 2009

Da Count - Comfort Food

dacount For everything from a bad day to a cold day (both things that make me want to pull the covers over my head and not leave the cave), a bowl of grits and a cup of coffee just seems to be the ticket. It automatically slows me down so that I can enjoy it. Maybe it is the slowing down and reassessing the problem or just the extra minute you get before facing the inevitable that is the magic of it.
Plus who could go wrong with the progeny of such a great saying like "Kiss my Grits". There's also "She's got grit" or "Just grit your teeth and bear it". Okay maybe those are a bit of a stretch.
All of the sudden, I feeling like I'm going down a dark and winding road that I may not find my way back from so I'll just close with GRITS are a GOOD THING.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


Inspire: To breathe. To breathe life into. To exalt. To arouse creativity or action. To affect, guide, or fill with noble emotion. To bring into reverence.

"Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others can not keep it from themselves." - James Barrie