Friday, May 1, 2009

Character Creation on #writechat

#writechat is a forum on Twitter that occurs every Sunday from 3-6pm EST, where writers get together to chat about the processes of writing. A question is posed to start the discussions but the chat can go anywhere.
April 26, 2009 I actually stopped by because I saw that the topic was character creation. My favorite.

WritingSpirit Today's opening question for #writechat comes from @LiberalViewer1: Character creation? How to do it? Techniques, etc?

My top 5 favorite tweets on the topic were:

1. Lgraysewell@WritingSpirit I usually make up backgrounds for people on public transportation then develop into characters #writechat

2. Lgraysewell #writechat. Also make up characters based on contents of a person's grocery cart. Very fun and a good imagination prompt.

3. PennyAsh #writechat Another thing, give your character a flaw. Or two. Perfect people are boring.

4. marynelson1 Character creation starter = what does s/he need/want more than anything? Then how s/he gets it (his/her way). #writechat

5. marynelson1I used the "Snowflake Method" one year during NaNoWriMo. Very helpful. #writechat

If you are on Twitter and want to attend this forum or search past entries, go to and put #writechat in the search box.


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