Friday, May 1, 2009

Da Count - My 2 Feet


I'm standing on my own two feet (which is a good thing because if I were standing on your feet that might hurt).

I've realized lately that my feet are probably the most unappreciated part of my body. They are down there at the end of my legs. They get me around. They've been shoved in all kinds of shoes, blistered, swollen and gotten cold. So this week I'm putting a shout out for the feet, I want them to feel a little more appreciated.

Not that I won't ever shove them into a pair of back breaking heels again out of vanity, but I'm giving them a little more TLC these days. I'm putting them up more often. Slipping them into sinfully soft slippers whenever I can. Had a pedicure which goes without saying, with summer sandal season coming and all. And I opt to wear my beloved gray laceless Converse sneakers, all the time now. (Which probably are deserving of their own count. I love these shoes.) Ah, comfort.

Hmm.....might start a movement.

Save the piggies

LOL. Enjoy your week and love the feet you're in.

Character Creation on #writechat

#writechat is a forum on Twitter that occurs every Sunday from 3-6pm EST, where writers get together to chat about the processes of writing. A question is posed to start the discussions but the chat can go anywhere.
April 26, 2009 I actually stopped by because I saw that the topic was character creation. My favorite.

WritingSpirit Today's opening question for #writechat comes from @LiberalViewer1: Character creation? How to do it? Techniques, etc?

My top 5 favorite tweets on the topic were:

1. Lgraysewell@WritingSpirit I usually make up backgrounds for people on public transportation then develop into characters #writechat

2. Lgraysewell #writechat. Also make up characters based on contents of a person's grocery cart. Very fun and a good imagination prompt.

3. PennyAsh #writechat Another thing, give your character a flaw. Or two. Perfect people are boring.

4. marynelson1 Character creation starter = what does s/he need/want more than anything? Then how s/he gets it (his/her way). #writechat

5. marynelson1I used the "Snowflake Method" one year during NaNoWriMo. Very helpful. #writechat

If you are on Twitter and want to attend this forum or search past entries, go to and put #writechat in the search box.