Wednesday, February 17, 2010

101 Things to Do in a Blizzard Part 2 of 4

Okay it's that time again. A little diversion from the white stuff falling from the sky.

26. Create an igloo in the back yard. Have your kids camp out in it to experience antarctic life. For educational purposes of course.

27. Turn the igloo into an ice hotel and charge admission.

28. Re-engineer the shop vac to act as a snow blower.

29. Pile up all the furniture to the ceiling, throughout the house to support the roof from caving in.

30. Grow facial hair.

31. Renew your NRA membership, clean your guns you may need to protect your home at night from crazy looters (or vampires) when the power goes out. Just saying.

32. Carve a maze and throw your dog out into it. It may just go to the bathroom while trying to find its way back.

33. Pay your kids to give you a massage.

34. Complete a month's worth of homework for your online class. If you're that bored.

35. Pull out the old analog CRT TV and rabbit ears that you have stashed in the attic. Because the snow has covered the Dish.

36. Run a marathon on the treadmill.

37. Create an skating rink out of your driveway. Put the the bread bags on your feet and skate away.

38. Crochet yourself a Snuggie with matching booties.

39. Paint scary faces on the inside of your light shades. Because a young mind is a terrible thing not to screw with.

40. Plot your garden on paper and dream of spring.

41. Stare at the florescent light in the kitchen, for an hour a day, to beat Seasonal Affective Disorder.

42. Invent your own language.

43. Defrost your freezer while you put your food out in the snow.

44. Raid the freezer for those thin mints you bought last year. They should still be good. *Disclaimer make sure you don't grab the 20yr. piece of wedding cake you forgot to eat on your first anniversary. :)

45. Check your house for paranormal activity. I'm sure you'll find some cold spots. And possibly EVPs (if the cat is in heat).

46. Read War and Peace out loud.

47. Open all the undesirable can goods in the back of your pantry and throw them in a pot to make goulash. (Don't be too dishearten if no one eats it. There was a reason you never open the cans in the first place, but at least you tried.)

48. Brush the cat's teeth.

49. Use a blow torch to the melt the snow on your roof.

50. Create a Bomb fire. *Result from doing #49

Enjoy. :)


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