Saturday, February 27, 2010

101 Things to Do in a Blizzard Part 4 of 4

Finally the long anticipated conclusion. :)

76. Go groundhog hunting. Teach him for giving you 6 more weeks of winter.

77. Use the gianormous ice cicles that have formed on your eaves for javlin throwing.

78. Learn ice shuffleboard. I mean curling.

79. Pile the snow up to your roof and get some sled action in. (Hell it's only a few feet from your roof anyway)

80. Have the kids set up a hot chocolate stand.

81. Take up ice fishing in your neighbor's koi pond.

82. Make snow angels.

83. Tear down the drapes and go Gone with the Wind style.

84. Call all the local retail businesses to see which ones are open. Ask for the boss and tell that greedy bastard that he's an idiot if he thinks anyone will patron him in this mess. And demand that he sends his employees home immediately. Well at least you'll feel better.

85. Organize your photos.

86. Practice Origami.

87. Create a new source of energy.

88. Play Hide and Seek with the kids. They hide first and then forget to go find them. *Remembering that all kids are brain damaged, make sure they've choosen a hiding spot inside the house.

89. Re-route the "Snow Emergency Route" down your street for quicker plow service. *Disclaimer: there may be some fines and even jail time involved with this one so precede with caution.

90. Write the "How to Shovel Snow for Dummies", it will be a bigger volume than you think.

91. Splatter different shades of white paint on a canvas, title it the "Blizzard". Then submit your masterpiece to every contest there is and let the cash awards and accolades wash over you.

92. Discover 10 new Blizzard desserts. Submit them to Dairy Queen. You might want to leave out the hot dog blizzard idea.

93. Set up your camera and computer to motion capture the storm fronts.

94. Join the search for UFOs and extraterrestial life.

95. Do your taxes. :P

96. Construct a crossword puzzle using snow and winter words.

97. Earn a Polar Sport certification.

98. Take a shower that empties your hot water tank. Oh wait, that is an every day thing.

99. Solve the ultimate question of "How many licks does it take to get to the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop?" The answer is at the bottom of this post just incase you're compelled to bite after the third lick.

100. Commit several senseless acts of kindness.

101. Write 101 Things to Do in a Blizzard.

I'm sure you noticed that sex was not one of the 101 things because frankly it is a given and mark my words there will be a baby boom in the Baltimore/Washington DC area come Thanksgiving. ;)

Now I feel I can put the snow behind me and look forward to spring. Pleeeease!!!

(The answer to #99. is 42 of course. It's the ultimate answer to the great question of life, the universe, and everything.)


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